Tuesday, February 13, 2007

WWWhere Do WWWe Go Next?

The internet is cool. It's 'neat-o'. It's the dog bollocks it is.

I've thought so since day I discovered it. Working in IT, I've been lucky to see the growth from a 'fad' to pretty much a way of life for a large part of the world. I remember building my first website in NOTEPAD, using only 'HTML in Seven Days' as my guide. I kind of fell into it - someone at work said, I think we would benefit from one of this web page thingies - why don't you do it - you're good with computers? And so it began. I had the first web site out there for the rather large organisation in which I work as well as the first internet as well. Hell, if you've picked up some of the booklets from a certain department within the organisation, chances are some of the design elements are based on what I did a number of years ago.

But I digress...I think the evolution of the internet is extremely interesting, exciting, and a little bit frightening too. From simple little websites to giants like Amazon, Ebay, MySpace and Blogger. You can run your life without ever having to leave your house. You can ruin your life without ever having to leave your house. I met the man of my dreams thanks to the internet and there's no way in hell we would be able to plan our wedding in Canada if it wasn't for the magic of the web.

I wonder if Tim Berners-Lee had any idea what his little creation would become....and where it would go next. And to me, that's the exciting bit - where are we taking the internet, and where is it taking us?

This marvellous video has some interesting ideas about that.

Makes you think don't it?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sticky Words

This year, I have a Magnetic Poetry Calander hanging in my office. For the past several years, I've had a Robbie Williams one, however this year's was rather disappointing. In other words, there were no decent shirtless shots of him.
In any case, I buy a MagPo Calander every year just for the words and add them to my fridge, as you may have read in a previous post.
Anyway, as I finally get around to flipping over to February, I though I would share with you the first of hopefully twelve poems I'll compose on this calander.

If you're unable to read it (I took it with my camera phone), it reads as follows:

keep love warm and full

look sing shine and laugh

grow more every day

always eat more cake

Not exactly earth shattering but I like it and hey, eating more cake can't be bad now, can it?

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Point of No Return

I must apologise for the rather large spaces between the paragraphs in the last post, and possible this one as well and probably future ones as well. I tried to remove the pointless 'div' tags and replace them with 'p' tags but to no avail. Those of you who have no idea what I'm on about, never mind. Move along, there's nothing to see here except a large amout of space between paragraphs.

Despite the 'new' and 'improved' Blogger coming out of Beta there still seems to be loads of problems, and 'extra' carriage returns seem to be one of them.

But never mind, I found an extremely helpful explanation in 'Blogger Known Issues' section which reads....

There are general formatting issues in various places throughout the application. These are mostly just cosmetic and nothing to worry about in terms of functionality.

Well, that's ok then isn't it?

I think what they really mean to say is this:

There's lots of problems in lots of places. These problems make you look like you don't know how to format your writing properly. Maybe we shouldn't have moved out of Beta so soon, but well, we wanted to open the champagne a bit early. Oh, but don't worry....everything still works. Honest.

I really do hope the BloggerGods pull their finger out soon and solves these 'formatting issues' soon. I like Blogger for its ease of use but am not so stupid that I wouldn't be able to set up something in Typepad or LiveJournal in a few minutes if I wanted to.
