Oh my, I seemed to missed out September completely...frankly I've not been that inspired to blog recently. I don't know why, perhaps once I turn 40 (in a few days) I'll suddenly be inspired to write about my life experiences having reached such a momentous age, but I doubt it.
However today, I'm having a winge. If I did a blog where I did nothing but have a moan, I'd no doubt have many more entries. I think I'm turning into an old man, a la Victor Meldrew, which maybe isn't a bad thing, but I'll let you be the judge of that.
On the bus home today, yet again my ears were subjected to horrible tinny noise pollution in the form of a stupid teenager who no doubt thought she was so cool by playing music through the speaker of her mobile phone.
I would love to meet the person who came up with this idea in the first place. Why did they think any music would sound good through such a small speaker that was designed simply to play a sound (or annoying ring tone) to let you know you have a call or text?
The most sublime rendition of Nessun Dorma would sound like fingernails being dragged along a chalkboard when played through a mobile phone. I really don't know why these kids do it except they have no appreciation for audio quality nor do they have any fucking manners.
If you're walking down the street, I suppose it's not so bad to have your mobile wailing some gangster rap shit, but I honestly cannot comprehend why this socially inept twats need to subject everyone on the bus to their horrible taste in music.
Of course no one ever says anything to these cretins for fear of being verbally or physically abused within an inch of their life. I can only suggest everyone who has a phone that can play music to start playing theirs - best put on opera or classical music or something they wouldn't understand and maybe they would get the idea.
At the very least I would love to see the bus drivers to refuse to board people who have music playing or stop the bus until they stop their music.
I know there's devices out there that will jam the signal of a mobile phone, but I would love to know if there's one that will stop music from being played. I would pay over the odds for something like that.
I'm sure there's been loads of blogs about this, but I bet I'm not the only one who feels this way.