All over for another year! It really bothers me just how quickly the years are flying by. I guess that's a sign of getting older. At least that's what people tell me who are older than me. Of course now I'm 40 (*sobs*) I'm getting close to being one of those older people. I certainly feel older when I mutter under my breath about unruly school children on the tubes and buses (as I did in a
previous post). My mother-in-law assures me she had a great time in her 40's, so I will hold her accountable if I don't.
Yesterday and today on my way to work I saw a number of christmas trees sitting forlornly on the pavement (that's a sidewalk to the rest of you!). It's always a bit sad for me to take down all the decorations and realise all the build up to Christmas and New Year is all over for another eleven months. Or six if you're in the retail industry.
We really glitzed up our home this year and I thought it looked lovely. I would love to put lights outside and a big fancy wreath on the front door but I know they'd be nicked within five minutes of putting them out there. So all the 'tack' is inside, and now it's down and back up in the loft.
We had a lovely time over the holidays although I don't think I've ever spent so much time in our kitchen in such a short space of time. It all started with the scottish shortbread which I've been making for Christmas for a few years now. I always loved it as a child when my mom made it. Now she's a continent away and finds it difficult to make as you have to knead it all by hand. So I decided I'd learn how to do it. I've had a few goofs along the way - burned several batches and this year I doubled one batch, only to put in a single measure of sugar. It took me ages to figure out why that batch tasted a bit 'flour-ery'. Oops. Luckily Scooter was happy to eat them. Whatever is left would be good for a cheesecake base.
I also made fudge for the first time and that turned out really well. It was chocolate fudge of course, I mean, is there any other kind?
Scooter and I did Christmas dinner for four friends with all the trimmings including the stuffing which never made it to the table as we forgot! Oops. Damn that champagne! Still it was a wonderful night full of laughs and the occaissional fart. Damn those brussel sprouts!
We also hosted New Year's as well and had three other friends for dinner. More bubbly was the order of the day, one of the boys made his fantastic cheesecake with enough left over for the next day! Hurrah. They brought over their Wii games console as well. I've never been much for video games, but I'd buy one of these things - it's much more interactive and you feel like you're actually playing rather than simply pressing buttons.
Scooter and I were a bit sore in the shoulders from tennis, golf, target shooting and bowling. Oh and boxing too. So I think once we get a bit of extra cash we may treat ourselves.
So all in all it was a lovely time - we worked inbetween which I'd not done for about five years. It wasn't too bad, the buses and tubes were quiet and the office was practically dead.
I'm not making any official resolutions this year - I never seem to keep them, so should make a list of 'trys' instead...lose weight, get fit, save more money and try to blog more. I said that last year too, but maybe this year I'll do better.
Happy New Year!