Saturday, April 15, 2006

Something To Offend Everyone

Last night I was at my mates for dinner (he made meatloaf! yum!), and I finally saw "Jerry Springer - The Opera". I've been desperate to see it ever since it came to London. I never got around to seeing it on stage. When the BBC broadcast it last year (to much controversy), we recorded it on our Sky+ box. Well, the stupid box decided to die when we sat down to watch it (we're on box four now btw!).

So, third time lucky! And oh my god was it fantastic! Its certainly not for the timid or easily offended, that's for sure. If lines like "three nipple cousin fucker" make you cover your ears, then you certainly don't want to see this show (or maybe you should!). And that's a rather tame line to boot - it gets much much worse. I can see why so many people were up in arms about it, but hey, its just a show. Its not going to corrupt you and the whole thing makes fun of reality television and the people that go on it. Its a satire folks! I don't think I've laughed so hard and been so shocked, so many times over two hours, in my life.

Adult babies, Jesus saying he's a bit gay, the KKK doing a dance number, the list goes on, as does the swearing. No profanity is left untouched or left unsung. Eight thousand swear words, give or take, including 3,168 'f*cks' and 297 'c*nts'. Oh, and 15,000 complaints to the BBC and 4,500 to Ofcom. Most of those complaints were filed well before it was broadcast - no doubt hoping to get it banned from broadcast. For once, these high and mighty twats didn't get their way.

The songs are brilliant as well. My favourites were "This Is My Jerry Springer Moment " and "I Just Wanna (Fucking) Dance" - a lovely ballad, which has been turned into a fantasic club remix. Its on my workout playlist and every time it comes on, I just wanna shout out the lyrics!

Although I didn't see it on the BBC, the version I saw last night was the same and I'm so glad the BBC broadcast the show. For once, I was happy to pay my license fee.


talk said...

Keep your blog updated. I like your posts. :-)

Anonymous said...

Do you think bird flu is going to be a problem ?

I heard it would hit USA & Canada this fall.

Is there anything to the bird flu panic ?