I've had it. If I have to go to one more party for the next month I think I will go crazy. Not that I'm complaining mind you - its nice to be wanted, just not every frikkin' weekend. I must be showing my age. This has certainly been the most social summer I've had in many many years.
The first party was at Blake and Ed's. It was a blast - I think there were even some straight people there, well, two of them made it fairly obvious by snogging for what seemed like hours in the kitchen. Don't worry, you won't 'catch' the gay from us you know! Poor Scooter was a bit worse for wear the next day, but luckily we were able to stay over - we needed to be at the Steelers AGM for 3pm the next day. The biggest news is that Scooter is now the Treasurer of the club. Hurrah! I have to say he gave a very good off the cuff speech that he wasn't expecting to give. I'm know he'll do a very good job. More about B&E's party at Ed's blog here. I took the picture of Ed just before he went to pass out - rather fetching image don'tcha think?
The next weekend was the party at Alison and Izzy's home. Alison, also known in the blogging world as RetroGooseUK is the Press Officer of the Steelers, which is how we met. The party was their housewarming and they live right underneath our friends Neil and Shaun, so they were kind enough to remove a few fence panels to allow people to roam a bit more freely between their gardens. The highlight for me was the live performance given by the Dulwich Ukulele Band of which Izzy's brother is a member. The balmy summer evening and the tropical strumming made the whole evening rather magical and I could have sworn I heard waves lapping gently against the shore. Or it could have been the sound of tins of beer being swished around the ice buckets! Alison has written about the evening here.
Party number three was down in Brixton at our friends Paul and Justin's home. Blake was once again pressed into service at the bbq (as he was at his own party and Alison's) and cooked up a storm. Well, when you're from the southern states, bbq'ing is in your blood. Our usual gang was there and it continued into the wee hours. We took a night bus to Liverpool Street for the first time and was impressed just how quickly we got there...if only it was like that during the day!
The following weekend, wasn't a house party per se, more like a city party, that being Brighton Pride, which I've already mentioned in the post below.
Last but not least was the party at our friends Gordon and Malcom's. We've not long known them, but they are great fun and have a fabulous home and a garden that Scott and I would kill for - three levels and cleverly done to look like it was there for years, but only recently been landscaped. Must have cost a fortune, but certainly worth it! As we were in Surbiton, we had to leave the party a bit early to catch the last train back to London. We were staying at Blake and Ed's, so we went there freshened up then went out to XXL clubbing the night away. Finally got back to B&E's around 4am, had a very lazy day at theirs watching DVD's - we're converts to the Venture Brothers now! Also watched Finding Nemo and The Incredibles. By the time 11pm rolled around Blake said you may as well stay here again, so we did. It was a nice chill out to another busy weekend.
So that's it for the party front at the moment, except we still have to organise OURS, we usually do it in September, and yes, of course you're invited.
So that's it for the party front at the moment, except we still have to organise OURS, we usually do it in September, and yes, of course you're invited.
Well now sweetie, if you and Scooter weren't so much fun, you wouldn't be invited to all these shindigs!
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