Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Doorway To Hell

Yikes - it's April and I've only had one entry so far. That's not very good is it? I must admit I've been stuck for ideas. I'm not really one to simply write about my daily life, although many bloggers do, like my friend RetroGoose, and I enjoy reading hers very much, but then she is a professional writer and I have no doubt she could write an enthralling blog about the simple act of making toast.

So, I must do better. I've been surfing around the net and found there's loads of sites for people with brain block like me that supply ideas for blogging. We'll see. Or I could stop using Facebook quite so much.

One thing I keep meaning to write about is the laziness of people. In particular how people act when approaching a set of doors a building. It seems they will automatically head to the one that is left open, even if there's a queue to get in or out of said open door. I see this ALL the time at the West One Centre at Bond Street Station.

At the main entrance there's three sets of double doors. The left set has a sensor that automatically opens them, the other two sets are manually operated, in other words the Herculean task of pushing or pulling it open is required. More often than not, one of the doors on the right side is wedged open and it just beggars belief how many people will walk towards that one to the point of having to wait to get through. Now I know this only takes a few seconds, but for gawd's sake, what is wrong with pushing open the adjacent door to get in or out?? Clearly a large majority of people are unclear on this concept.

I despair for humanity, I really do.


retrogooseuk said...

Welcome back, you've been missed

(And I also despair why someone would wait half a day to get through an open door, rather than just pusshing open a closed door... clearly they have more time to waste than we do!!)

retrogooseuk said...

Welcome back, you've been missed

(And I also despair why someone would wait half a day to get through an open door, rather than just pusshing open a closed door... clearly they have more time to waste than we do!!)