Thursday, March 23, 2006

"Blak" is the new black?

I've been considering starting a list of 'things I hate', and adding to it from time to time. I've not done it yet, however, I have discovered two things I hate this week.

1. Stripping wallpaper from the ceiling. Fairly self-explanatory I should think. Steamer burns, wallpaper sticky, scraper's wrist, arms wanting to fall off at the shoulders. I spent four hours doing the kitchen yesterday. It should be outlawed, period.

2. Coca-Cola "Blak". I tried this new drink in Paris last week with my friend Andrew. We saw a poster in one of the patisseries and thought we'd give it a try. Apparently its being launched in France first, then being rolled out to the rest of the world. Lucky France.

It came in a tin similar to Red Bull (picture on the right is the only one Google could find, it's what the US product looks like), so thought it must be an 'energy drink'. Well, yes and no. Its coffee-flavoured Coke. Yes, coffee. Or as the press release would have you believe "a blend of unique Coke refreshment with the true essence of coffee for a blah blah blah...".

It seems that the world's biggest beverage company isn't happy with having the biggest share of the carbonated beverage market, they are taking on the likes of Starbucks and energy drinks too.

Well, I have three words to describe the taste of their latest venture.

It is shit.

I used to be a Coke purist, but switched to Diet Coke years ago (not sure if the artificial sweetners do more damage than sugar...). Used to be Cherry Coke was the only other 'flavour'. Then came Lemon, Vanilla and Lime. Lemon tastes 'fake', Lime is ok, and Vanilla is actually pretty good, especially with a double shot of white rum.

But coffee flavour? Have they been sniffing glue or something? It smells rank, tastes horrible and leaves a disgusting aftertaste. Besides, doesn't Coke have enough caffeine in it without adding coffee?

Avoid it at all costs.

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