Friday, March 03, 2006

Brokeback Mountain Happy Meal

There's been loads of publicity generated from the movie Brokeback Mountain since the day it opened, and this Sunday, I hope, it will be rewarded with a few Oscars, hopefully for Best Film at the very least, and mabye a few other categories as well. I know I'd certain like to give one to Jake Oscar, that is! Oh who am I kidding, I'd be quite happy to spend a few days in the mountains, in a tent, in with Jake.

Anyway, with something this popular, there's going to be lots of spoofs and piss-takes, and indeed there have been a number of them winging their way across the internet, using up bandwidth in offices around the globe. My personal favourite, however has to be the Macdonald's Brokeback Mountain Happy Meal. You can view this paraody here. Its more or less work safe, a bit rude, but sadly there's no naughty bits on show. But it is very funny and very well done.

Just imagine the face of the spotty teenager's face serving you, when you ask for a Brokeback Mountain Happy Meal with extra special sauce for your Big Mac.

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